The IRC Chat Channel
Over the past few months, navel lovers have complained that we need an IRC chat channel that will allow real-time discussion on belly buttons as well and navel picture swapping.
Now we have one... #Bellybuttons on Dalnet!
All you need to access it is the free MIRC software (available from the sites listed below) and your internet account.
Until word gets out about the new IRC channel, and we get a group of regulars going, I would like to propose that we set specific times and days for get togethers... we propose, at least temporarily, Sunday and Wednesday nights at 9pm Eastern Standard Time (US). (We're trying to work out a decent hour for our European friends...)
Meeting there has it's advantages. We don't have a navel-lovers newsgroup, and even if we did wading through all the spam would be frustrating to all of us. We hope that you'll be able to meet other navel lovers on-line to discuss our favorite obsession... belly buttons!.
You should connect thru Toledo, OH; Dalnet Server (MIRC will offer you a menu of sites you can select from; pick Dalnet Toledo, Ohio). This seems to be faster servers for IRC.
If you need the software, to CHAT with, you can get it at: