The Basics of Omphalomorphology
Every belly button is as unique as a fingerprint. While most people cavalierly talk of navels in terms of only :innies" and outies", the staff of the U.S. Navel Observatory has laboured long minutes between lengthy coffee breaks to provide a more detailed method of classifying the female navel based upon shape. (Hey, it beats having to get a real job!)
The Vertical Slit
The vertical slit shape of navel is in fact relatively rare. It is graceful, feminine and erotic.
The "Navette" Navel
Some navel authorities regard the "navette"
shape of navel merely to be a variant of the
"vertical slit". It is marked by strong vertical
elongation, however unlike the "vertical slit" type
navel it becomes wider in the mid-section, giving
it the overall form of a "navette" cut gemstone
(hence the name).
The Triangular Navel
The triangular navel is shaped like an inverted triangle, with more or less convex (rounded) sides. Often, a deep furrow extends from the apex of the triangle to the interior of the navel.
This is a fairly common navel shape... and widely regarded in America as one of the most beautiful navel forms.
The Almond-Shaped Navel
Rather cunningly, the almond shaped navel is named because it is almond shaped! Our Japanese brethren have regarded the almond shaped navel to be the zenith in umbilical beauty for centuries. The Japanese are a highly cultured society... who are we to argue the point?
The Circle
In fact, perfectly round, circular navels are uncommon. They form a beautiful complement to the symmetry of the female abdomen.
The Oval
Oval navels are one of the most common umbilical shapes.
The "Cat's Eye" Navel
Known to our Spanish cousins as "oja del gatto", the "cat's eye" navel is noteworthy for having more of a horizontal aspect than a vertical aspect... giving it literally the appearance of an eye.
The "Coffee Bean" Navel
The coffee bean navel is rather unique, in that it combines the properties of both
"innie" and "outie" navel. This particular form consists of a shallow, oval "innie" in
which there are two small protrusions of flesh, each filling approximately half the
This type of navel was popularized by actress Raquel Welch in the 1960's.
The Pierced Navel
Some people think that a navel piercing adds character to a
belly-button... others regard navel piercing as the basest form of
umbilical vandalism, on a par with painting a goatee on the Venus de
Milo. Regardless of your stance on the issue, the plain fact is that
navel piercings are becoming more and more commonplace.
The reasons why people get navel piercings are undoubtedly as numerous as the people who've been pierced. But on the whole, pierecings are a way for the wearer to assert her independence. (Several lady friends have stated that their piercing has heightened the pleasure of circum-umbilical foreplay!)
Navel piercings can vary from tiny, discreet metal rings and studs, to bold and brash dangles that allow the wearer to make a statement about her personality.